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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kelby Posted - 12 May 2003 : 19:29:55
Hi there ! I am looking for a doctor who is experienced in doing Lasik following Radial Keratotomy. I had RK in 1995, and although my vision is much improved (20/40), I have problems with glare due to scarring and I'd like to get rid of my glasses. I am interested in Lasik. I know there isn’t much anyone can tell me without an exam, but is there any way to go about finding a doctor who's done alot of Lasik procedures on people who’ve also had RK ?

Thank you !

Susan Kelby

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dr. Q Posted - 16 May 2003 : 11:56:43

Where do you live? My partner, Dr. Lanny B. Hale, is quite experienced in LASIK after RK. However, we are in Arizona, and I don't know where you are!

You most definitely should carefully consider who evaluates you for LASIK after RK, as there are a number of additional factors to consider compared to LASIK on a non-RK eye.

Dr. Q

For LASIK in Arizona, visit

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