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 can I still have Lasik done?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jillyen Posted - 25 July 2003 : 01:18:36
my left eye tilts in a little bit and I wasn't told about it and didn't really notice it till I was 14.would I still be a candidate for Lasik?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dr. Q Posted - 29 July 2003 : 18:54:37

It is possible that you could still have LASIK, but you would need to have a number of tests and measurements to know for sure. If you are wearing contact lenses or glasses without prisms, then it is more likely that you could have LASIK. If you need to wear glasses with prisms to keep from seeing double, then you are not likely a candidate. Overall, I would recommend caution, as one of the potential side effects that could be more likely in your case is double vision.

Please keep us up-to-date during your decision process, if you feel comfortable doing so.

For LASIK in Arizona, visit

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