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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nconco Posted - 19 November 2002 : 14:58:51
I just had LASIK two weeks ago and since, there seems to be a little more hazyness with farsightness and nearsightness. I have been informed that most likely I have, since the LASIK, acquired a litle more farsightness than expected. Therefore, I have been given one set of contacts to wear for three weeks and told to add one drop of ACULAR every four hours until my next appointment. When asked for the reason, it was expalined that this procedure might help flatten the cornea. May I ask if this is a common correct procedure for this problem. And would not the cornea eventuly return to an abnormal state after losing the contacts.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dr. Q Posted - 24 June 2003 : 13:44:11

I am sorry to hear about your problem. However, without knowing exactly what took place and what your measurements are now it is impossible for me to help you understand your condition. If you could ask your surgeon what the diagnosis is for your problem, then that may help.

For LASIK in Arizona, visit
anonymous Posted - 18 June 2003 : 17:38:43
i was told i need to have lasik surgery again because my head did not fit in the table properly and an assistant held my head down rather tightly while the procedure was performed thereby resulting in incorrect cuts. i had to wear a contact lens overnight in one eye to hold the flap vision is worse than before i had surgery. i can no longer read a magazine or newspaper without the aide of very thick reading glasses. i did not need glasses to read before you think that my vision can be corrected with more surgery???
Dr. Q Posted - 08 December 2002 : 23:39:31

The treatment you describe was presented at the 2002 meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology by Dr. Jay McDonald II. The data seem to show some effect at lessening farsightedness. However, many surgeons share your concern over the long-term effectiveness.

Dr. Q

For LASIK in Arizona, visit

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