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 worried about flaps being dislodged

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anonymous Posted - 06 February 2003 : 00:56:38

i have had custom lasik 6 weeks ago and i am reasonably happy with the results. my concern is that i do a lot of boxing and other contact sports. i know that patients are allowed to resume contact sports 1 month after. however, i am still a bit apprehensive about my flaps being disloged because in boxing there is a good chance of direct trauma to my eyes. i also know of a case of another person having his flap dislodged 8 months out, although his case was from severe trauma from a boating accident.

thanks for your help
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dr. Q Posted - 03 April 2003 : 08:06:29

I, too, share your concern that boxing may dislodge the flap. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you a specific time, if ever, that it would be safe to resume boxing, though it is true that as time passes, the flap seals down more tightly and is likely less vulnerable to trauma. However, boxing is just the type of activity that may be able to dislodge a flap.

I am hopeful that you discussed this with your surgeon before surgery and made a conscientious decision to have LASIK anyways. I usually perform LASEK, a similar procedure, but without a flap, when extreme trauma is a concern.

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