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can1 12-20-2007 01:26 AM

Am i a candidate for lasik or ICL?

I was just back from the optician. He said that I had far sightedness of about +6.75 dip. in the left eye and +5.50 in the right eye. I have astigmatism of -4.00 in the left eye and -3.50 in the right eye. He said it was very high and did not reccomend contact lenses.

Am i suitable for lasik? Will there by any repercussions if i do lasik? If not, am i able to do an ICL? I heard that ICLs for hyperopia are still not approved by FDA. Will it be reccomended?

admin 12-26-2007 01:18 PM


You will need to ask a qualified surgeon to evaluate you for LASIK, because we cannot make a determination of your candidacy in an online forum. However, in general terms, patients with prescriptions in your range are highly unlikely to qualify for LASIK.

We have no information on the hyperopic ICL. Since the ICL is approved for myopia, we suggest trying to find a local surgeon who does the ICL and asking him/her. In general terms, high levels of astigmatism may make an ICL more difficult to achieve success with.

andrewwhite 12-23-2009 06:08 PM

Dear can1,

Go to your Ophthalmologist – A medical doctor (MD) who specializes in surgical eye care and consult what ever problem associated with your eyes. This is the right solution from my point of view.


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