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albertoandreotti 08-31-2009 08:07 PM

Having LASIK tomorrow HELP!
Hi everybody,

I'm having LASIK tomorrow and there's still some points that are not clear to me and I would really appreciate if somebody can clarify them a little bit. Here it goes,

a)I read that contact lenses use must be suspended a few weeks before surgery. My doctor didn't recommend that, neither asked me before scheduling the surgery.
b)I also read that some antibiotics are needed before surgery. Perhaps he will prescribe them tomorrow(he hasn't done it yet). Then, is it ok?.
c)I heard some medicines can prevent healing. Well, he did not ask if I'm taking any other drug.
d)He conducted a paquimetry and a topography about 5 weeks ago. He said he was going to do the studies again and then took it back. Are these studies outdated?

Well, I have an appointment for tomorrow, but as far as he doesn't clarify all that on the meeting we will have I will reject the surgery.

What do you guys think?

Many thanks in advance.


PS: -3 and -4 on right and left eye, respectively.:(

admin 08-31-2009 10:17 PM


a) Contact lenses are typically suspended before surgery. Each doctor has his/her own protocol. Standard protocol is often minimum 4 wks for RGP lenses, 3 weeks for toric soft or overnight wear lenses, 2 weeks for other lenses. However, some doctors allow their patients to be out for less time.

b) This is up to your doctor.
c) This should have been asked.
d) You will have to ask your doctor.

We cannot give specific medical advice to you, but certainly you should feel comfortable that all of your issues are resolved and questions answered before you proceed.

albertoandreotti 09-06-2009 09:41 AM

Little Update
Well, I went last Tuesday to have surgery and asked all these questions to my doctor.
When I was approaching the last one, he was so nervous that he left the room. I told his assistant that this was a kind of totally unprofessional behavior, unacceptable, and that I was not having surgery with him.
"You have too many doubts we won't do the procedure with you like that". You should answer my questions, I told him(actually I was thinking "you son of a container full of ***** bitches") I don't wanna do it with you either. You're unpredictable, unprofessional, and I don't trust you.
One day you tell me to come to have some studies done on my eyes, and the other day you say you don't have time and they are no longer necessary. You give me a brochure to read before consultation and you don't even follow the rules that you put there.

Well, now looking for another doctor. . .:(

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