Hi everybody,
I'm having LASIK tomorrow and there's still some points that are not clear to me and I would really appreciate if somebody can clarify them a little bit. Here it goes,
a)I read that contact lenses use must be suspended a few weeks before surgery. My doctor didn't recommend that, neither asked me before scheduling the surgery.
b)I also read that some antibiotics are needed before surgery. Perhaps he will prescribe them tomorrow(he hasn't done it yet). Then, is it ok?.
c)I heard some medicines can prevent healing. Well, he did not ask if I'm taking any other drug.
d)He conducted a paquimetry and a topography about 5 weeks ago. He said he was going to do the studies again and then took it back. Are these studies outdated?
Well, I have an appointment for tomorrow, but as far as he doesn't clarify all that on the meeting we will have I will reject the surgery.
What do you guys think?
Many thanks in advance.
PS: -3 and -4 on right and left eye, respectively.